Sunday, February 22, 2015


No time for crafting this weekend... even missed a scraping day with friends.  Work calls!  Have a major project that I hope wraps up soon!

Back soon with some project fun I hope

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

More Space! Now all I need is more time?

So finally I have my nice little craft space.. Now all I need is some time to do something/anything! I have recently started an Art Journal. It's a great way to sneak in the odd crafting moment when an hour or so of time jumps out and finds me! :) I have been working on pages since the summer and finally managed to find something I like for a cover. So finally instead of two cardboard pages I have a lovely front and back cover!  Click on the Links to check them out!

Art Journal - Cover
Art Journal - Back

When all else fails... make something cool